Hello! How are you all doing in this strange and confusing time? It’s a bit scary isn’t it? I’m Claire, I’m a frontline Doctor, or rather Human me is. I’m a Huggable Hero version of Claire. You see, being a Doctor, real me can’t be near my husband and my children Max and Sophie right now. Even though I’m takin every precaution at work, it’s safest for my patients, family and myself to practice social distancing and the best way to do this is live apart from my family.
That’s where Huggable Hero me comes into practice. Up until about 6 month ago, we didn’t really have to think about social distancing to this extreme, but then this virus began to spread even more viciously and we have to do everything we can to limit the damage and keep everyone safe.
Human Claire and her family HATE being away from each other, but they are being so brave, like many other families right now. At 4 and 6, Sophie and Max don’t really understand what is happening and spent a long time crying for their Mum. Their Daddy, Joe heard about Huggable Heroes and decided to order some to help ease the pain of separation. A Hero each for Sophie and Max and a double sided Hero with each of them on one side, for Claire, so that Mummy can be comforted too.
Sophie and Max love their Huggable Heroes and it means that Claire can still be a part of their day to day lives, be there for cuddles and to tell their hopes, stories and dreams to her. Bedtimes are easier as they snuggle up for cuddles and stories with their Huggable Heroes, while Claire is away being a real life hero.
After a particularly hard shift, Claire has her children in teddy form for hugs too. Of course, it’s never going to replace the real thing, but it keeps them close to her during tough times, without putting them in danger.
Huggable Heroes are proud to be helping so many families through this. Grandparents and grandchildren who can’t be together right now, key workers not able to see their families – they really are for everyone.
Helping to keep families together through hugs and cuddles. Helping ALL the Heroes who are being brave and adapting to this way of life while we work together to beat this virus.